Welcome to Kurti-07 Sh.p.k

About US

“Kurti-07” sh.pk was founded in 2007 with residence in Rinas, with 10 years of activity in the field of construction works, excavation, sewerage works, territorial adjustments of green areas, works in the field of water supply, supply of aggregates, construction materials and transport . Our company is known for all kinds of construction works as well as the excavation and filling, adjustments and developments of green areas.

Our Values

To build projects with value, high quality and high standards for the benefit of customers, our associates, as well as the community. We believe that employees are the most valuable asset of our company. The successes and achievements of the values of dedicated expertise, professionalism and commitment. We offer an excellent system of motivation, as well as care for the continuous staff training.

Our Work

“Kurti 07” offers a several range of services from construction work, excavation, sewerage works, adjustments territories and areas to green, works in the field of water supply, supply of aggregates, construction materials and transport types item. Some of our works are: “Tirana Business Park” Airport “Mother Teresa”, works in the interior of ANTA sha and many other projects.

Our Services


Kurti-07 ltd offers to construction works in the construction and reconstruction of roads and equip them with relevant signaling. Landscape buildings, works in the field of water supply, sewerage networks and signaling elekrike. Concrete works such as, civil and industrial buildings, construction of dams, squares adjustments. Rikonsruksion Building and sidewalks, sidewalk lighting, clothing lateral rivers with stone walls and a number of other civil works.


Our company is specialized in excavation for construction facilities, as complex building, terminal, business centers.Also it offers services for the realization of road excavation, escarpments and basements for high voltage poles. Excavations for rainwater sewers, drainage of drinking water, electricity networks, road signs and embankments for the construction of fish tanks. All of this come from our experience year by year and our equipment

Building Materials and Inert

Our company also offers supplies of construction materials, concrete, bricks and tiles with different features and high quality. Supply of aggregates of all types that depending on orders, except solid supply offered placement, leveling and compacting of their facilities or construction sites.

Territorial Maintenance and Adjustments

Several years experience in the maintenance sector, contracted for several years in the maintenance of air zones to Tirana International Airport, to an area of 197 hectares. Services for the maintenance of green areas, planting of grass and ornamental trees, grass cutting and transport. Perform all the work necessary for the work of re-leveling the terrain. Realization of works necessary to ensure the maintenance of the sewer system discharge pipes and underground channels.


Kurti-07 Ltd has owned a considerable number of transport vechiles, Tippers for various transports as inert and mineral substances. Since a decade, our company offers transorti for mineral resources for one of the leading factories in the manufacture of bricks and tiles in Albania. Its ownership are also a number of vehicles for the transportation of heavy machineries like, trailers and tow. Also at any time it offers transportation services for third for goods and different tonnages.


If you have a project and sought to achieve a qualitative and correct work,we are open to offer you our services based on several year’s experience.

Our partners:
